Educational Parent Helpful Connections ,
helpful connections offered by jan kuyper erland


Search "Charter Schools" on the Internet.
Excellent examples of Web sites to visit are:

Edison Learning
National Heritage Academy Schools

Additional Education and Distance Learning Information
can be obtained on:

Virtual Learning Links HomePage

To find out more about parent advocacy, check "" web site: (2004 Federal Special Education IDEA - "Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act" - P. L.-446-Statute)

Foundations offer scholarships for low income families.
Refer to Children First America (CEO America) Web site:

CEO America
Also, Great is for parents and offers several services, including comparison of schools, report cards, and relevant articles:

Great Schools

The Heritage Foundation has a newsletter for parents on Washington DC policy directions.

The Heritage Foundation

Additionally, America Online (AOL) has a large directory of educational resources for parents.

America OnLine

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Jan Kuyper Erland,
Intervention Consultant, Writer
Mem-ExSpan, Inc.
The Bridge To Achievement
