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Available Seminars, Speaking, and Talks for Business Professionals

With Mem-ExSpan's High Performance Thinking ®



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It might be time to reinvent your self to get the edge for that competitive job. Having a sharper image is really all not that bad. You can now process complex information faster and easier, and improve your written and speaking communication skills. Multi-task multiple sequences easily. Why be reluctant to move to greater heights? Our benefits accrue with time, as shown by scientific published documentation.

The Bridge to Achievement (The BTA) ® is a learning technology that integrates artistic and scientific disciplines to create High Performance Thinking ® (HPT) for business performance management and industry. A multi-media system using power of the theater, The Bridge to Achievement ® increases personal performance to improve personal efficiency and productivity.

Since 1981, Mem-ExSpan's High Performance Thinking: ® has been training individuals to accomplish more in less time, with less stress. The Bridge To Achievement ® is much more than the typical memory acceleration course. The carefully formulated High Performance Thinking ® brain power exercises. Improving visual and listening memory, creates the ability to scan layers of information, enhancing critical thinking skill.

The Results:

Faster reading speed with better comprehension
Accuracy for
written detail & numerical precision through span power
Greater problem-solving ability and insight
written and spoken communication skills
Better thought organization and multi-tasking ability
Faster acquisition speed for procedural information; think faster using Mental Scanning techniques
Improved writing and presenting ability with better thought flow
Better listening retention, recall, and
mental toughness
Learn more about fast facts strategies to improve note taking and listening detail
Learn more about following complex directions rapidly; get more done in less time
Discover numerical precision through
mental scanning techniques

The High Performance Thinking ® Ten-Day Workshop (2 hrs. daily, Mon-Fri):

The 10-Day Workshop (2 hours total with 1 hour & 40 minutes class-time, 20 minutes self-practice, early morning or at noon)conducted in small personalized
groups of 8-10. This specialized
High Performance Thinking ® productivity one-of-a-kind training is not available elsewhere.

Training Benefits:

Needs assessment, both corporate and individual
Improve reading, writing, speaking, analytical skill, and listening ability through
mental toughness scanning activities
Learn how to think through interruptions with better thought flow
Get more done in less time
Receive a private prescriptive evaluation for each participant and a corporate data summary of averages
Personalized feedback conference for both management and each participant
Receive a documented
Return On Your Investment (ROI) evaluation to save your company time and money.

Ask an Expert - Visit my Virtual Office at LivePerson

Jan Kuyper Erland
Program Content Developer, Researcher, Writer, Speaker, Intervention Consultant
Mem-ExSpan, Inc.
The Bridge To Achievement ®
email: jan@memspan.com

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